Summer 2009:
Got a guinea pig…Mr. Buttons

Unfortunately MB met an untimely demise at the hands, er…foot of Pavin. Guilt and therapy to follow. After the allotted grieving time, Mr. Buttons was replaced by Smalls, who though unfortunately not as friendly as his predecessor, seems to be a bit heartier.

Hot fun in the summertime continued. We enjoyed a new found love for the backyard and the kids found new ways to cool off.

We also enjoyed visits from friends and family.
Our BFF Bowers Bunch came down to SC where we continued our tradition of a Mommies/kids photo session.

Fall/Winter 2009
Summer ended rather abruptly when an unexpected opportunity to return to teaching came out of the blue. The kids and I packed up our show and took it on the road…just across the street, to Cross Schools. Here is where the blogging melt down really got bad and picture taking got even worse. Even now to post this, I’ve been forced to scramble through the blogs and online albums of my friends to fill in the Fall! (Thanks, Katie and Erin!)
A good time was had by all during the year’s Halloween festivities. Handy Manny and Snow White made several appearances…and even more since. (On a related note: the dress up closet is growing to include more and more masculine items for a little boy who loves to play right alongside his sister.)

The Dentons and Dalzells (Dizzells) found a new love of sleepovers. Our look-alike oldies and youngies are the source of much confusion as to who goes with who when we are out and about. Gracen and Emma Kate are two peas in a pod, with matching personalities (sassiness) to prove it. Pavin (Payman) and Campbell (Mambell) continue their rough and tumble play. Pavin is rough (in the most loving possible way) and Campbell usually takes a tumble.

Christmas ’09 was quite an exciting time for our family.
There was of course the world famous Bluffton Christmas Parade...
Gracen's first Children's Program at LCC...
And the Cross Schools Christmas Show...
To top it off, we spent the week previous at Disney, staying on property and making some fabulous memories in the process. An amazing time was had by all.

We traveled back through Jacksonville on the way back to SC, where we shared the Holiday with Grandma Debbie, Pa, M, Richard and Nannie.
Jan/Feb 2010
We rang in 2010 quietly at home.
We’ll as quietly as possible…
then headed back to school after the break and awaited a busy stream of fun milestones and memory making.
Gracen and Fred celebrated their Birthdays.
Freddy and I celebrated with a night away at the beach. Gracen had a horse themed day with her besties.
We had a few more sleep overs…
We took advantage of a little winter break and traveled to Indiana to see the Bowers lovely new home and play in the snow.

Spring 2010
We welcomed a fresh new season with a little daffodil picking.

Easter was terrific, relaxing and we had a great family day celebrating the grace and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
A little trip to Jacksonville was also a welcomed break. The kids and I went to MOSH and took in the sights of the River City.
As summer approached, we had a lot of big events.
The kids had their first school Fun Run.
Gracen enjoyed playing goalie during her second season of soccer.
Jen celebrated another birthday.

And enjoyed the birthday's of others...

Pavin got a real, big boy hair cut.
Gracen graduated from Pre-K.
And got her ears pierced!
Somewhere in between…we ate some donuts.
Summer 2010
Which brings us to the present! This VERY much anticipated summer. We finished up a challenging and productive school year and headed into an extended break with much excitement on the horizon.
Gracen went to cheerleading camp and loved it! So much so, that she will be joining the HHI Upward Cheer Program in the fall. She had quite a little audience in tow for her final pep rally...

Fourth of July was a fabulous celebration. The kids and I joined Fred at Haig Point for boating, food, bounce houses and more!

Whew…so that was a year in a nutshell. Here’s to keeping a better, more accurate record in the future. Life’s tiny moments are just too brief and often forgotten not to reflect upon and share. It’s becoming painfully clear that Pavin and Gracen are growing up so quickly. We don’t want to miss or forget a thing. This blog has allowed us a little scrapbook of sorts…something Facebook statuses, just can’t compete with!