The "most wonderful time of the year" is officially underway! We kicked it off with a terrific and very thankful Thanksgiving weekend. We began the morning with the Macy's Parade, which Gracen thoroughly enjoyed. She especially loved the Cheerleaders and the dancers. After the Dog Show (which was also a big hit) and some football, we shared a yummy dinner with Melissa, Richard and Nannie. Pavin kicked back most of the day in his bouncer...

This adorable shirt was his first personalized gift and made for the perfect Thanksgiving Day outfit. Gracen calls it his "cock-a-doodle-doo shirt." :) (Thanks, Heather!)

While you can't see them, this dress was complemented by a pair of gold satin slippers that Gracen insisted on wearing. Since the dress had blue flowers, she said it looked like Cinderella's dress and thus...she was Cinderella for Thanksgiving.

Freddy and Pavin relished the effects of the "turkey coma" with an afternoon nap.

On Saturday, Sleeping Beauty joined us to put the ornaments on the tree. We have already deemed this a Princess Christmas! Her ever growing obsession with Belle, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella...and anyone with a big dress and a wand for that matter is all she talks about. It's definitely added to her already blooming imagination which has provided endless entertainment. Yesterday she kept asking, "Where Prince Charming? Where Prince Charming?" This is princess code for "Where's Daddy?" She's usually sufficed with the answer, "Prince Charming's at work." :)