Things have been a little nutty in general this month, with time flying by in a particularly speedy manner. We've had a ton of fun along the way...enjoying summer school, play time with friends, church activities and more fun nights out at Berkeley Place for the weekly Headliners concert. The picture of Pavin below was taken there a couple of weeks ago. His little grin was the product of his sister shakin' it down on the dance floor with Jack. :) Check out his dimple!
It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. -Laura Ingalls Wilder
Friday, July 25, 2008
Things have been a little nutty in general this month, with time flying by in a particularly speedy manner. We've had a ton of fun along the way...enjoying summer school, play time with friends, church activities and more fun nights out at Berkeley Place for the weekly Headliners concert. The picture of Pavin below was taken there a couple of weeks ago. His little grin was the product of his sister shakin' it down on the dance floor with Jack. :) Check out his dimple!
Monday, July 7, 2008
4th and 8...
The festivities actually kicked off on Thursday, as we enjoyed a day off with Freddy and Gracen headed off to her "Red, White and Blue Party" at school.
On Friday, Mom and Daddy came up to hang out with me and the kids. Freddy unfortunately, had to work most of the day, but was able to join us in the evening. While the 4th itself was rather uneventful...with an exciting trip to Wendy's and the new Food Lion as the highlights...we ended the day with a yummy cookout and movie night.
Gracen was feeling camera shy. But Pavin made up for her reluctance and provided us with lots of smiles for his first 7/4 holiday.
Saturday marked a proud day for Daddy, as he was able to take Gracen fishing for the first time. The Ussery's hosted an outing to Hampton Lake, where neither skill nor patience is required to reel 'em in ( a perfect combo for 3 year olds!). As Mr. John put it, "It's literally catching fish in a barrel."
Gracen was quite content to be escorted down to the dock by Jack-Boy...princess pole in tow.
Below is a photo of Gracen's first and possibly last fish. After the initial accomplishment, she was happier to feed the fish from the edge of the water and cheer on her buddy. She refused to hold the line, but both kiddos took a chance and touched the little flipper, which was immediately deemed, "yucky".
Jack was much more excited by the sport of it all. Here he is with his first trophy fish...proudly contemplating his super angler skills.
Pavin and Finn took it all in from their Joovys...enjoying some delicious cheerios.
Pavin became his typically sweaty mess at the first hint of humidity...and apparently expressed how he felt about it, with his right middle finger.
Saturday afternoon was perfectly stormy. While the little ones napped, I enjoyed some cheese cake and watched Little Miss Sunshine for the umpteenth time. While admittedly, not the most "wholesome" of flicks...I laugh from start to finish. I could honestly watch the last ten minutes of that movie every day. Because, dang it...sometimes nothing says love like doing a memorial striptease to superfreak in a whacked out beauty pageant! :) The extra good mood that ensued, set off fun-mommy mode and produced a wonderful pancake breakfast-dinner and a camp out in the living room.
As Gracen saw her surprise dinner for the first time she said, "Mommy! It looks like Pavin!"
Speaking of...Sunday marked 8 months with our awesome little Payco! We spent the evening with small group friends where we enjoyed a great dinner and exciting game of corn-hole in the rain. Pavin loved "worming" around in the floor with Finn and Scout (the sweetest, most kid-friendly dog on the planet).
Meanwhile, Jack and Gracen played in an amazing box fort, hand crafted by Mrs. Erin. popular demand...for those who have yet to view the previously mentioned, now lowcountry famous, "worm" by Pavin Denton, check out the following video to view our little nut's preferred mode of transportation.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Before history repeated itself...
Five minutes after this photo was taken, she was discovered crying behind her bedroom door, having somehow flipped, climbed or flown out of her crib. When she first debuted her little trick, I thought…”How cute! She can stand up in her bed.” Not even thinking that this was a huge indicator to lower the mattress. Lesson (quickly and thankfully without harm) learned.
Thus when I discovered Pavin, who will be 8 months on Sunday, doing the following, it took me all of 5 minutes to lower the rails to the lowest possible setting.Gracen was feeling a bit jealous at the little party I was throwing over his mad skills. She insisted she be in a picture too.
He’s kind of bummed now, as he really seemed to enjoy the view from the top. But he’s finding other ways to fill the time…like eating us out of house and home!
In addition to nursing, baby food and table food, he’s now supplementing with formula. He almost always insists on holding the bottle himself and does this "stare down" thing, lest anyone think of taking back the goods. I fully expect him to lap Gracen in weight in the very near future.