or more appropriately, the Big Stand. Curtains opened, lights came up and six 2 and 3 year old ballerinas stood starry-eyed and transfixed by the ginormous crowd of people before them. There was very little dance involved, but in my completely unbiased opinion, they stole the show. I must admit, I burst into tears at the mere thought of my baby girl dancing in her first recital.
Those tears soon turned to laughter as Gracen stood in her sparkling white tu-tu, moving her tongue from side to side in what I can only assume was an attempt to lick off her lip gloss. Regardless, she was absolutely beautiful and we couldn't have been prouder. Below are some of the pre-performance pictures, including the hair and make-up session. :)

She had quite a showing in the audience, including Mommy, Daddy, baby brother Pavin (who slept through the entire show), Aunt M and Richard, as well as Grandma Melody and Grandpa Fred.
In addition to attending the big performance, Grandma and Grandpa also ushered in the arrival of Snow White. We already had daily appearances of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. We now have a third to add to the mix. Something tells me that Santa (or one of his helpers) might be waiting in the wings with yet another fair maiden to expand an already exploding imagination.
We finally have some good snuggling weather! For our two little ones (especially Pavin), this is a welcomed comfort.

Here's hoping the cooler temperatures stick around for at least another few weeks...and that the desire to cuddle never goes away.
Speaking of the little snuggle bug...he's getting big! He's 6 weeks old today and seems super tall...or long, I guess you'd say at this stage. He's already in 3-6 month onsies due to the length. He is such a terrific little guy. He's so sweet and has slept through the night twice in the last week, which of course only makes me love him more because I am viewing him through well rested eyes. He smiles, appears to recognize my voice and lets out an audible sigh of relief/security when he nuzzles in close. What more could a mother want?
how adorable are your babies? your little girl is so beautiful! i like your new theme for your blog, too. super-cute.
I know I must have the most beautiful grandchildren in the world! Thanks for keeping the pictures coming. See You Real Soon!
beautiful pictures!!!! cutest lil ballerina i ever did see:)
I wish we had a video of the recital! I hope you have a Wonderful Christmas!!!
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