Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Family of Morphos...

So my friend Heather, the Internet Queen :)tells me about this site ( where you can input photos and using facial imaging software, they find your celebrity matches. Now obviously they are getting fixed images, so they suggest you keep submitting photos and try to note a pattern of reoccurring matches to see who is most likely your overall match. It is so funny and kind of neat, as although Fred, Gracen, Pavin and I had different personally reoccurring matches, Pavin and Fred shared many similar matches and Gracen and I shared similar matches. When I submitted photos of my sister, again...her overall match was different than mine, but we had many common matches as well. Here are the results...

Apparently, I am a near dead ringer for Melanie Chisholm aka "Sporty Spice" because I kept matching her over and over again. She is one I shared with Melissa, who's reoccurring match was Jessica Simpson. Pavin and Freddy's cracked me up! Both of them kept getting Pedro Martinez and Carl Lewis! Fred also got a couple of Christopher Reeves (which is interesting as Gracen has said for quite some time that "Daddy is SuperMan!) Pavin also got several Shirley Temple matches, as did Gracen. By far Gracen's common match was Emma Watson (Hermione Granger of Harry Potter fame) with Katie Holmes running a close second. Gracen also got a Pedro Martinez match which added to the hilarity. She and I shared several matches including the previous mentioned Mrs. Tom Cruise and Misha Barton of the OC. Oh...Melissa also had a couple Misha Matches. In addition to Pedro, Fred and Gracen also shared a Natalie Portman match. (Fred as Natalie Portman? Crazy! Esp. as Fred thinks she's super cute!)

Here's a morph of Gracen and Miss Portman...


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