“Some mean guys come and got Jesus dead. Then Jesus got dead. They wrap him up in a white clothes and put him in a cabe. Jesus got dead in a cabe. Then Mary come and she cry and cry because her miss her Daddy and because Jesus got dead. Then they roll a rock away from a tunnel and Jesus not got dead anymore. Jesus is alive!”
How sweet and wonderful it is to know our kiddos are learning how much God loves them. It may be a little jumbled in the translation at times, but I am so thankful that He continues to mold and shape their precious hearts for Him!
Here are a few photos of the morning with our super cuties in their Easter Best.

As for the festivities of the weekend, we attended the LowCountry Easter Egg Hunt yesterday (the Hilton Head version) wherein Gracen made a mad dash to collect as many eggs as she could. Each one seemed to be filled with more delicious little morsels than the last. After accumulating about 30 or so eggs in her basket, while still surrounded by what seemed like hundreds more, she proclaimed, “I am all done now.” Apparently she got what she came for. Pavin just hung out in the baby bjorn…attached to his sad, frustrated Mommy who arrived without a camera to document the fun! So…no pictures of the collection.
After church and lunch today, we headed home for naps and a viewing of “the white princess movie” delivered by the Easter Bunny. Enchanted came out this week. After meeting Giselle in the “harade” at Disney last weekend and seeing multiple commercials about the release last Tuesday, Gracen has begged to get it. Yes, we have officially entered every parent’s worst fear…the moment when commercials stop being tiny breaks between shows and start to become a shopping list for your children!
Here are some Easter basket pics below…
Pavin had no clue what was going on, but was his jovial self, content to drool and gaze at Mama.
We will finish up the evening with what promises to be a terrific time…dinner with our small group buddies, big and small. I love me some pot lucks and this one is sure to be yummy!
We pray the true joy and meaning of Easter is at home in your hearts today and always. “Jesus not got dead anymore! Jesus is alive!”
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