While we still miss our friends in California terribly, we have been so very blessed to find amazing friends and an extraordinary church family here in our new home town. So many great things have come our way since moving to the LowCountry. I’ve realized my dream of staying home with the kiddos, Freddy has a job he loves, Gracen has blossomed into a funny, creative little princess (with a great set of buddies of her own) and of course we welcomed our little, little Payco. God has been so faithful and we are so very thankful!
We marked our anniversary with a night out with the family. We enjoyed a fun dinner, a “special cookie” and an outdoor concert up at Berkeley Place. The band was really great and played a lot of kid-friendly tunes. Here’s Gracen doing the Hokey Pokey.On Friday, Pavin hit the 7 month mark! He is just about the happiest kid on the planet. He is such a joy and my heart just swells at the sight of that smiley little face. We marked the day with a trip to the Jacksonville Zoo.
He just took it all in and was a great sport despite the miserable humidity. His little cheeks would turn bright red and his little head was a sweaty mess. Regardless, he napped like clock work.
His favorite animals by far, were the goats! They seemed to like him too and were very tolerant of the ear pulling and drool he showered them with.
Gracen of course loved everything. The new baby giraffe was born on her/Freddy’s birthday, so she thought that was pretty neat. Her heat attack was calmed by the splash park and shaded playground. On the way home she said, “I liked the lion the best. But princesses are still my favorite.” Yes, yes…we know.
We are officially 1 day into preschool! Our girl strapped on her backpack with pride and headed off without a second thought. She arrived home with crafts in tow and more than a few stories…mostly about her yellow dress which she was so proud of. Apparently she expressed this multiple times to anyone who would listen, as two of her teachers stopped to tell me that “she sure was excited about her dress today.” It is pretty cute…
But THIS is the cutest of all! Gracen just loves her brother and I think he might think she’s kind-of cool, too.
**Note Gracen is now unable to “smile with teeth” because “I lost my words last night” Possibly a throw back to the Little Mermaid?? We’re waiting it out…
1 comment:
I cannot tell you the joy I get from reading the blog and looking a the children grow. I am so thankful for all you do with this, it is always a pleasure to check it out.
My love to all four you.
Aunt Janie
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