Since last blogging, we had a super fun Halloween night and ushered in a huge milestone...Pavin turned 1! **For "Fall Festival" details and pics, go to
As for the big event...It's so crazy that we have already shared a year with our lovable little guy. We continue to be blessed and entertained by his sweet snuggles and emerging (ever boy like) antics. His climbing up, banging on, roaring at and ramming all that will stand still, keep us laughing and on our toes.
We celebrated several days prior with some of his little dude friends (all born within weeks of each other) as well as older siblings and a few mommies and daddies. His beloved Yo Gabba Gabba was the theme, making the DJ Lance cake my finest baking feat to date. He REALLY enjoyed a little Brobee cake of his own and totally would have eaten the entire thing if left to his own devices. Thanks to all who joined us and seriously beefed up our collection of boy toys!
The Yo Gabba Gabba theme continued on his actual birthday. Gracen insisted that he needed a Plex the Magic Robot cake. The following series of pictures shows him grabbing for the cake while we sang, the beginning of a protest as I left to divvy it out and an all out fit when I didn't return promptly. What can I say, the kid likes to eat! :)
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