In the midst of a wonderful visit with Grandpa Fred and Grandma Melody, the kids experienced their first taste of opening Christmas presents in '08.

Gracen was thrilled to get not one but two of her beloved princess Barbies. She's now added Jasmine and Belle to her collection.

Pavin LOVED opening everything! I can't wait to see our little nut after Santa comes. If we can just stop him for attacking his sister's presents too.
Sitting on Santa's lap went very well this year. Gracen was a little timid at first, but Pavin reached right out and joined the fun.
We hope all of you are enjoying a terrific holiday season and remembering the most gracious gift of all during this special time...and always.
PS...the second new song on our playlist is a current Gracen favorite. Sorry, Mrs. Erin! :)
Can't wait to see you guys. Wow! I too love Gracen's new favorite song. We will have to dance to it when I come. Love You!
I hate that song. Thanks, Jen. I'll be sure to put Christmas Shoes on my blog just for you.
Hello to all This is your Aunt Michelle or Aunt 'Chelle is what all my nieces and nephews call me I love your blog page and I look forward to meeting you all very soon Fred and Jen your children are so precious I know we haven't met but I love you all very much and your Uncle David so enjoyed getting new pics, we miss him very much but he loved you all too Keep in touch. Hugs and Kisses to all, Aunt Chelle
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