Of all the stellar qualities Gracen has inherited from her Mommy, her all out love of Krispy Kreme chocolate iced donuts has taken center stage as of late. As one of my primary pregnancy cravings, Fred often makes Publix runs on Monday mornings to snag us some sweet deliciousness! :) (Bluffton is not blessed with a "real K.K." so we have to settle for the weekly delivery to the grocery store.) Gracen has gotten so accustomed to this trend that she usually greets Daddy on Monday mornings with, "You go get donuts now?" You can tell from the picture that she really dives in...so much so that it is the only treat I can think of that she gets stripped down for.
This is Gracen being "sassy." The first time she did it, Fred said, "What's up Sassy?" and ever since then, she will strike this pose on command.
The wide shot of this picture didn't look much different, except for the fact that it included what seemed like a few hundred more princess dresses and tiaras scattered about. She'd been quiet (too quiet) for a while. When I went to check, this was what I found. She happily said, "Look! I "Sleepy Booty"!" Later, when she took a little ride around the neighborhood in her race car, she insisted on wearing this outfit. Several people said, "Oh, you're a little early for Halloween." No...this is just her afternoon ensemble. :)
Here is my list of a few of the things I envy about 2 year olds:
1. They get to take a nap EVERY DAY!
2. Every now and then I would like to throw a tantrum...I think I have earned it.
3. Two year olds get to eat Krispy Kreme donuts without giving a single thought to cellulite. NOT FAIR!!!
We love you guys and are anxiously awaiting next Tuesday (or before!)!
I love this site. Gracen gets more beautiful each day. Like her Mommy, and her Great Aunt Jane!!!!
Your friend is right, no cellulite, calories or all the other fun things to worry about for a 2 year old.
Krispy Kreme is the devil. But in a yummy way.
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