In an attempt to do something "fall-ish," despite our unseasonably warm temperatures...Gracen took a trip to the Pumpkin Patch with one of her favorite friends, Jack-Boy (to differentiate between Jack the boy and Jack the dog). :)
The kids had a blast running through the pumpkins and feeding the goats and pigs. Gracen actually let the goats eat out of her hand this year...a big change from last year when she ran away screaming. Her aversion for dirt in her shoe however, has not changed and we spent a great amount of time and baby wipes cleaning and wiping her little "princess" feet. :) Oh, well...she comes by it honestly, I guess.
We spent the evening painting white pumpkins: one for Gracen and one for the baby. Gracen wanted to paint a pink cat on hers and a blue cat on the baby's. Despite my best efforts, we have two painted pumpkins which clearly look more like pink and blue bunnies than pink and blue cats. Gracen doesn't seem to notice the discrepancy and slept with her's the first night.
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