Sunday, November 30, 2008

So thankful...

for the countless blessings God has given us this year! While Thanksgiving itself was a sad combination of fevers, coughing and tissues, we did manage to down some pumpkin pie and say a heartfelt prayer of thanks for God's grace and goodness. We don't have a great deal of photos from the actual day, but here are a few leading up to...

Gracen's sweet teacher, Miss Sherry made the cutest little costumes for their school Thanksgiving party!

"I'm a Pilgrim, TaDa!"

On Wednesday, the girls attended a fabulous party at Mrs. Erin's house (while the boys stayed at home and drank Motrin and cough syrup.)

The Mayflower and Tee Pee looked great!

A grand feast was served and together we enjoyed the story of the First Thanksgiving, as well as a lovely rendition of "God Our Father" lead by Shelby and Jack.

Owen was an adorable Native American. :)

By far, Gracen's favorite part of thanksgiving was the Macy's Thanksgiving Day "Harade". She stood in front of the tv for nearly 3 hours copying everything she saw...especially the cheerleaders!

As for Pavin...he was finally feeling a bit better yesterday and had a grand ol' time playing with the "Baby Jesus Box" aka the Little People Manger Scene Box.
We pray all of you had a great holiday as well and are enjoying a terrific start to the most wonderful time of year! :)
PS...For those of you sick of hearing Sweet Home Alabama...too bad, the boys spanked Auburn yesterday! Who am I to break the streak? :)


Grandma Melody said...

We are SO glad that Pavin is feeling better! What beautiful children you have blessed us with! Can't wait to see you all next week! Grandma Melody

Grandma Melody said...

Correction to previous statement: "grandchildren" not children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

skiny bone joans said...
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skiny bone joans said...

Hey, Mrs.Denton Its me Jazmin Carbajal from first grade hope you remember me? Anyways, Gracen got so big I can remeber her from when she was just born and Pavin also got big too.I miss all of you guys. Please tell every one I said hi.So any ways hope you guys come down and have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Also if you do come down please call my mom so we can get together.Oh yah if you need her number its 760-578-9220.And thats all I wanted to say.