Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting in the Swing of Things...

After an exciting, wonderful blur of a week, we are attempting to get back in the groove. Pavin had his first pediatrician's appointment this week, confirming that we have a big, healthy baby boy! After our visit, Gracen had ballet, where she is preparing for her big Christmas recital next month. The one minute performance by the 3yr. old class is sure to be a show stopper! Yes...note that Gracen is in the THREE year old class...she's quite advanced! :)

Pavin loves the fresh scent of...Dreft, apparently. In a particularly fussy moment, I laid him down in a pile of laundry to swaddle him. He instantly stopped crying, took a deep breath and fell asleep. I'll try to remember this tactic at 2 in the morning.

Pavin enjoyed watching his Big Sister eating her breakfast.

Gracen just enjoyed breakfast. What a little nut!

1 comment:

Amy Bell said...

what a cutie....he is just so precious! Congratulations!
Love, Amy