Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pavin's first of many

embarrassing moments at the hands of his sister! He was fine for about 5 minutes…but then seemed to instinctively become annoyed, as Gracen continued to apply and reapply the gigantic pink bow to the top of his head. Fred is less than happy that this picture is being posted here…but it was a milestone of sorts in the brother/sister battles that are sure to come.

Regardless…they already love each other beyond words. Pavin simply lights up when Gracen is remotely in his eye line. He always has. Even when I was pregnant, he flipped and punched like crazy when she would talk to my belly. This picture was a scene that melted my heart. Gracen insisted on holding her baby brother’s hand “because I love him.” Daddy was just a bit touched as well…
PS…note Gracen's “glass slipper” jellies that now apparently complement every outfit…even in 45 degree weather!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bathtime Monkey Business

Pavin got a new bath tub last weekend, as he very quickly outgrew the tiny infant contraption we had. While he appears relatively content in the above photo, he really doesn't like bath time much at all. He HATES to be cold. He HATES any face/ear touch-age with the washcloth...and really HATES if even a drop of water so much as inches toward his eyes. In summation...he's not a big fan of the bath.

But...both he and Gracen love their monkey towels! Santa brought them a matching set to complement their monkey themed bathroom. Although they shed little pieces of brown terry cloth all over the place, they are super cute and I love to bundle up my sweet smelling, teeth chattering kiddos in them after a dip in the tub.

Friday, February 15, 2008

3 and 3

Last week we had some 3 year and 3 month pictures taken of Gracen and Pavin. To say we are overjoyed with the results would be an understatement! While every parent thinks their kid is the cutest ever (as well, they should!) we fall in love with our kids again and again in looking at these incredible photographs. Their little personalities were captured perfectly. A million thanks to Jeni Zapor who has given us some truly treasured memories! Here are just a few of the 210 amazing shots. To see them all, visit and click on “denton kids”.

PS…If you live in the area, you have GOT to have Jeni do your next photo shoot. Her demeanor with the kiddos was awesome and as you can see…she takes great pictures! Not to mention, she is by far the best deal in town. Run to grab an appointment before she becomes famous! :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


…on this Valentine’s Day, 2008!

Hugs and kisses to you on this special day of (commercialized) love! We spent the morning with our super cool bible study/play group buddies, enjoying some cookies, conversation and chaos. Here are some photos of the fun…

The Little Man

Beautiful Gracen

Jack-Boy…as a bag head monster…Handy Manny undies cropped out.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Footloose and Fancy 3!

3 months old, that is! Here’s a little profile of the miniature man I’ve become
in the last 92 days…

Name: Pavin Rhys…but the ladies call me Payco.

Eye Color: still dark blue…which I can now fill with tears. They compliment my pouty lips nicely when I’m “asking” for something.

Hair Color: the jury’s still out…waiting for enough evidence…

Favorite Pastimes: lookin’ at my birds, kickin’ it (literally) in my swing and heading out on the town with my girls (Mommy and Gracen).

Things I Love: milk! milk! milk!, jumping in the air with Daddy, any ceiling fan I can get my eyes on and MAMA!! sister’s pretty okay, too.

Things I Hate: being hungry, poop in my pants and anyone touching my ears or my nose!

Favorite Color: orange…I look awesome in orange!

Favorite Song: Baby Mine and Guns n’ Roses, Sweet Child of Mine (esp. when Mommy “sings” the guitar solo.)

Future Goals: sleeping through the night, rolling over and shooting 4 under to win the 2027 Masters

Obviously, life’s treatin’ me pretty good so far.
Stay tuned for all the exciting developments to come!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


After seven days at home last week for the long day's journey into potty training, we have been grounded this week due to fever, mucus and cough! :( Our typically running, jumping, spinning, twirling, little delight of a child has spent the last three days camped out on the couch. The toughest part has been keeping her from lovin' on her baby brother. She just doesn't understand why she can't kiss and hug on him. Fortunately things are looking up. We really hope to be back in action soon. To be continued...