Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Music and lyrics...

by Gracen Augusta!

In the craziness that has been today, Gracen has been entertaining herself and us by making up a wide variety of songs. While the melody of each song is basically the same monotone repetition, the narratives are distinctly different.

Song one…

“I am dreaming. I dream. I dream. He bring me flowers sometimes. Sometimes he bring me flowers, some times. I dream. I am dreaming. He bring me flowers sometiiiiiiiiimes.”
Repeat x 500

Mommy: Who brings you flowers sometimes?
Gracen: Jack-Boy
Mommy: He does? When does Jack-Boy bring you flowers?
Gracen: Sometimes…when I am Belle. When I am Belle, him bring me flowers.
Mommy: Oh, that’s nice. When he brings you flowers, will you give him a smooch on the cheek?
Gracen: No way! (with a devilish grin) On hims lips! :)

Somewhere two sounds occur simultaneously…a thud and a click…as Freddy hits the floor and Mr. John locks up his son.

Song two…

“I love Pavin. I love Pavin. Sometimes I call him Payco…Payco sometimes, Payco sometimes, Payco sometimes! I love Pavin. He drops hims toys on the floor and I pick them up. He can’t eat pepperonis cause hims a baby. I love Paviiiiiiin!”

Here’s a snipit below of what I can only assume is the chorus.

Good news…Pavin isn’t allergic to the rice cereal or the formula we mixed in. Guessing he’s just got a bad case of eczema at this point. We have a new mixture of greasy greatness (80% vasaline) that seems to be working pretty well. It just makes pajama time more like wrestling a greased pig than settling a cuddly baby.

He was beyond thrilled to dig into the cereal again and proceeded to scream a “hold his breath scream” when he realized it was gone. The bowl was still full when this photo was taken.

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