Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bring on the Fall!

I am officially the biggest slacker-blogger on the planet! I just don't know where the rest of the summer went...but we are happily welcoming Fall, some cooler temperatures and a new chapter of updates. Thus the new blog theme and fresh set of tunes. :)

The kids and I are settling back into our regular routines of preschool, MOPS and CBS and the weekends are filling up quickly with lots of fun trips and special events just around the corner. Meanwhile Freddy is gearing up for one of his busiest times of the year at work. Our date planner is working overtime and looks more like a jigsaw puzzle than a calender. But we are making some great memories and learning to take joy in all the little things along the way.

Gracen and Pavin are doing great and are finding that they really love to play together (most of the time). Their favorite joint activity by far is playing with Little People. Gracen is learning to be patient, while Pavin is learning to take A LOT of direction!

Our last big bash of the summer was probably the Ussery Boy's birthday party. I didn't get any action shots of the event itself, but managed to get a great picture of Payco kicking back after we got home...with his souvenir tattoo!

More to come...

1 comment:

Dean said...

Hi Jennifer, I was wondering if CBS refers to Community Bible Study. Allie and I will be starting to attend one this week. Just wondering if it is the same thing and how you like it.