Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fantastic 4...

months today! Our little boy is getting so big and the time is just flying by! In some ways it seems like just yesterday that he jumped into our hearts and in others…like he’s been with us forever. He is truly a sweet, sweet baby. He might ( I say hesitantly) be turning a corner with his late night antics (making him all the more endearing) and his absolute fascination with his big sister seems to grow by the day.

Here’s a shot of him in his newly unpacked Bumbo seat. I don’t think he’s quite sure about it yet…most likely because it doesn’t have anything for him to attempt to ferociously demolish with his little baby fists. Thus…”his birds” on the baby gym remain the current fave.

The weather here has been awesome! This has left me with little to no excuse to not get out running behind my new double jogger (Thanks, Heather!). It’s a real workout and the kiddos seem to really enjoy it. When we started our journey Pavin had TWO red socks. We returned with one. This kid loses socks like crazy. I’m considering duct tape…

For the past couple of weeks after making my bed, I’ve been noticing the corner turned up and all wrinkly at random times throughout the day. I just continued to straighten it and go on with the day. Yesterday, I discovered the sneaky culprit…Baby Muffin. Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!

The countdown is on! For well over a month now, Freddy and I have been trying to work out the logistics of a trip to Disney. Finding the time and resources for a big trip as well as juggling Fred’s increasingly busy schedule have been really big obstacles. We just SO want to capitalize on the magic of Gracen’s imagination and go when she’ll be in awe of absolutely everything. Today at lunch, in talking about the agenda for the rest of the month and Fred’s upcoming full weekend off (which never happens), we both just looked at each other and said, “Cinderella”! We are so fortunate to live so close…why not just do a quick 2 day excursion to the happiest place on earth? After dinner we made a little countdown rope and hung it on her door. Every night she gets to take off a “gween cwercle”. She is already beside herself with excitement. I may not sleep a wink between now and then in anticipation of the look on her little face when we walk down Main Street for the first time!


Amy Bell said...

Oh, I love it! We are going at Christmas-time! I can't wait...Isn't like a second childhood sometimes? Love to all the Dentons! :)

heather black said...

Disney World rocks! Y'all are going to have so much fun. You might spontaneously combust from the excitement until then, and Gracen might, too!

Elizabeth said...

You are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Soak it up!!! Nothing beats seeing your little girl light up at the sight of Cinerella's castle :) I'm jealous...I want to go back!!! Hope you're doing well!